Phytopharmacetical and Anticancer Properties of Nigella Sativa Linn Seeds: A Comprehensive Review
Samajdar S.1*
1* Saptarshi Samajdar, School of Pharmacy, The Neotia University, West Bengal, India.
Cancer is a growing health problem around the world and is second leading cause of death after heart disease. Although in the last century there has been effort to control the disease using various synthetic as well as herbal drugs but still not been controlled satisfactorily. Nigella sativa is one such herb which has very high potential in preventing cancer. There are various categories of phytochemicals that have been isolated from the plant and mainly terpene category of phytochemicals in the likes of Thymoquinone, carvone, germacrene, sabinene, alphahederin are prevalent. Some other phytochemicals that has been isolated are nigellone, nigellidone (alkaloids) cycloartenol, tirucallol, some fatty acids as well. Mainly two compounds have been concentrated upon for cancer, they are thymoquinone and alpha hederin N. sativa has been known to shown high efficacy in cancer and mainly works by promoting Caspase 8,9,3, suppressing Akt and NF-kB. Even some semisynthetic derivative like poloxin, kalapanaxosaponin I and also combination therapy has been found to be effective against cancer.
Keywords: Nigella Sativa, Thymoquinone, Anticancer, Phytochemicals
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, , School of Pharmacy, The Neotia University, , West Bengal, India.Saptarshi Samajdar, Phytopharmacetical and Anticancer Properties of Nigella Sativa Linn Seeds: A Comprehensive Review. Glo.Jou.of.pharma.par.of.ADSRS.Edu.Res. 2022;1(1):1-12. Available From |